I have kindly been given a blog award from Izzy Beads.
Like her I am not sure about these awards
but they seem a good way of promoting other
bloggers and we could all do with a bit of that so here we go..
Like her I am not sure about these awards
but they seem a good way of promoting other
bloggers and we could all do with a bit of that so here we go..
On accepting this award will I need
an Oscars worthy gown, celebrity makeover and
an Oscars worthy gown, celebrity makeover and
to quickly pen an acceptance speech?
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Catherine Zeta Jones at the Oscars 2013 pic from Yahoo |
Oh thank goodness! Phew!
But there are a few conditions.
So here goes, these are the rules....
- List 11 random facts about yourself
- Answer the 11 questions which are given to you by your nominator
- Ask 11 questions for all the bloggers that you nominate to win the award
- Nominate 9 bloggers with less than 200 followers to win the award
- Go to each of the nominees' pages to inform them about their nomination
- Thank the blogger who nominated you by mentioning them and linking their blog in your post
11 random things about me:
1 -
I drink peppermint tea from a pretty vintage tea set.
2 -
I hate rainy afternoons and love the sunshine.
We could always do with a bit more sunshine here in Britain!
3 -
I am really into natural beauty products.
4 -
I have a serious addiction to Ila Spa products.
5 -
My credit card hates me (see above)
6 -
I have had acupuncture.
The needles were put all over me but the most memorable place was just under my eyes!
7 -
I have met the Queen and chatted with her over a glass of wine.
8 -
I have snorkelled in the Great Barrier Reef. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
9 -
I think Foie gras is cruelty on a plate.
10 -
My favourite flowers are roses, bluebells and tulips.
11 -
I am so glad to have discovered jewellery making.
I wanted to be a fashion designer when I was a little girl
but couldn't paint or draw very well so that was the end of that!
Laney's 11 questions for her chosen bloggers...
1. Are you tidy or untidy when you are working on your craft?
I am surprisingly tidy when it comes to jewellery making. I like to sift through my stash pull out the relevant pieces and arrange them tidily on my bead mat, along with the tools I'm going to use. One of my favourite things about beading is lining up everything that I'm going to be using before I start.
2. What is your favourite colour?
I am a purple girl at heart but dusky pink is growing on me and becoming a close second favourite.
3. What is it that inspires the craft that you do?
I get a sudden urge to create when I see something that inspires me. It could be flowers, films or fashion. I pretty much get inspiration everywhere!
4. Are you a night owl or a morning lark?
Definitely not a morning lark!
5. Who do you admire and why?
Is it a cliche to say you admire your parents ? If so then I'll tell you about somebody I'm not related to that I admire.
I think Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and his commitment to improving animal welfare is admirable.
I have no doubt that Mr Fearnley-Whittingstall and River Cottage are a profitable brand and business but I think it's marvellous that he uses his fortunate position to instigate great causes with campaigns like 'Chicken Out' and 'Fish Fight'.
I have always admired his love for local produce and a more rural respectful lifestyle.
I have always admired his love for local produce and a more rural respectful lifestyle.
In this world where business profits seem to matter more than human and animal suffering it is great to see a successful man put his money where his mouth is and make changes for the better.
Long live Hugh!
Long live Hugh!
6. What is your favourite meal?
Anything my fiancé makes because he is a fantastic cook!
7. Where would you like to live, anywhere in the world and if money was no object.
Another cliche here but if money were no object I'd be lady of the manor in a stately home.
.......Well, wouldn't we all! ;-)
8. If you could be an animal for the day, which one and why?
A bird. It would be marvellous to soar high in the sky and swoop about enjoying the air and the view.
9. If you could choose any time in history to live, which era and why?
History has already told us what has happened in the past so I would like to go far into the future and live there. To see what happens to the human race, how and where we live and to what extent technology shapes our lives.
10. How do you start your craft/piece of art, with sketches or just get on with it?
I start making a piece of jewellery with a sudden flash of inspiration or what I call ' the need to bead' (You knew I'd have to mention that somewhere ...;-0 )
Then I pull out beads that suit the theme and design from there.
I never formally plan a design. I might have a rough idea in mind but I just
see where my imagination leads me.
So I just get on with it basically!
11. Do you have a favourite artist and why?
I have always liked Dali and Escher but the artist I'm going to mention, is Damien Hirst.
I like his diamond encrusted skull piece called ' For the love of God'.
I think it encapsulates such a lot about life, death, meaning, values, purpose, and by its very existence is a great reflection on the art world itself.
The man is a cheeky genius!
The man is a cheeky genius!
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Damien Hirst pic from Neu Black.com |
Now for the best part of the award, passing it on to others.
The Liebster award is going forward to:
The Liebster award is going forward to:
* Ana from Cats Pajamas Dogs Tuxedos
* Amy of Helen Ethel Studio
* Jessica at Jewelry by Jessica
* Lynn at 2012 Bead journal project
Her blog Beading Heart Art is well worth a look.
* Naviguesser over at Jewellery Junkie
* Dana at The fashionista of the week
* Tracy of the Eclectic Paperie
* Maureen from Glitzzy's place
* Alisha over at Cook Love Craft
Ladies, your 11 questions are the same ones that I have answered.
Enjoy your awards :-)